Writer Survey Vacancies

Reviewers Wanted – Now Closed

* Please note this job description has changed*

Redeem a selection of gifted eBooks from Amazon each week, and write one short editorial review of the book you liked the most. Advantage: You will get free eBooks downloaded to your Kindle account.

Compensation: $12 USD per completed survey, 1-2 surveys per week

We are looking for English-speakers of any age, gender, or situation with internet access and a functioning US or UK Amazon account, who like reading eBooks. You will be asked to redeem between 4 and 8 books a week, which you must download for free to your Kindle account and choose the one you like most to write a short, private review.

  • You must have a valid and active Amazon.com (US or UK only) account
  • You must have an active PayPal account to get paid  – we do not pay in any other way
  • You must have access to the internet and a device, such as a phone or a computer
  • You must speak English to a minimum fluent standard (C1 level) if your first language is not English
  • You must redeem ALL the books in your list within 6 hours of receiving it, even if you don’t read them immediately
  • You cannot return the books after download — we will check this before paying you
  • To earn money from the list, you must complete the task of writing an editorial review of not less than 50 words into the survey form
  • All editorial reviews must be original work — we check for duplicated content and plagiarism
  • You do not have to work every week, and there is no commitment from you to keep working for us if you have no outstanding weeks to complete
  • You must have a valid PayPal account to receive payments. We do not pay to any other source
  • We pay you for 1 to 2 editorial review of no less than 50 words per week
  • You will be paid monthly at the end of the month after your first full month’s work, within 1-3 working days (i.e. on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd working day of the proceeding month) in USD only on upload of the following:
    1. Submission of your weekly review text to our site via the form provided
    2. Confirmation of your PayPal email address for payment

Am I writing Amazon Reviews?

No, you are not writing customer reviews on Amazon for this task. You are writing a short editorial critique of the Amazon Kindle eBook you liked the most from the selection we ask you to download, and submitting it privately to us.

What is this for?

When you buy and peruse the books and choose the one you like most, the review you write will be shared with the client for their own purposes.

What if nobody chooses one of the books on the list for review, and the book gets no feedback?

There will not be any feedback for this book, and this will be noted in our data set as provided to our client. The set of books is a competitive list that are chosen for various reasons by the client.

Do I have to do this every week?

No, but if you do accept work that week, you MUST complete the task so that we can rely on you in the future.

Do I get paid for the cost of the books I bought?

There is no cost of books as you are redeeming books that are already bought and gifted to you

Is this against Amazon rules?

We are paying you to write a private review, so this has no bearing on Amazon review rules.

Survey 137 – Now Closed

Buy and review one selected eBook on your Amazon.com or co.uk account and fill in a short survey about your shopping and reading experience.

Compensation: $12 USD per survey, a minimum of 5 surveys a week to complete (up to 15 per week)

Our client is looking for English-speakers of any age, gender, or situation with internet access and a functioning US or UK Amazon account on which Verified Customer Reviews can be left, who like reading any genre of books.

You must commit to filling out 5 surveys a week.

  • You must have a valid and active Amazon.com (US and UK only) account and a device to read them (note: Android devices are no longer valid for Kindle downloads)
  • Your account must be activated for leaving VERIFIED reviews — you must have spent more than $50 in the last six months on Amazon to do this
  • You must have a PayPal or Stripe account to get paid monthly for your surveys – we do not pay in any other way
  • You must have access to the internet and a device, like a phone, laptop, or computer
  • You must speak English to a minimum fluent standard (C1 level) if your first language is not English
  • You must buy ALL the books in your list within 72 hours of receiving it, even if you don’t read them immediately. Failure to do so will mean you have not completed your survey instructions correctly and cannot get paid
  • You must not return the books after download – we pay you after the book return window closes so that your review remains Verified
  • You must buy the book with money, i.e. with a debit or credit card, and not with Amazon Unlimited or other free Amazon reading scheme such as gifting or book links. This is because the Customer Review must show as Verified so we know you bought the book, and review it within 14 days.

  • You must have a valid PayPal or Stripe account to receive payments. We do not pay to any other source
  • You will be paid monthly at the end of the month after your first full month’s work, within 1-3 working days (i.e. on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd working day of the proceeding month) in USD, EUR, or GBP for all completed surveys
  • All survey reviews must be by the reviewer name you signed up with to get paid

Am I writing Amazon Reviews?

To complete this survey you must buy and review the selected eBooks as a Verified Customer Review on Amazon.com or UK.

Can I choose the books I review?

To participate, you must purchase all books on your list, which may include religious, political, and LGBTQI titles, and review them on your Amazon account. We do not accept books onto our program that contain abuse scenes or hate speech.

Do I have to write a positive review?

Definitely not. We have no control over your review and its content, and as per Amazon’s guidelines, you should write an honest and objective opinion. If you dislike a book, you are free to say why. We are only interested in your survey results.

Do I have to do this every week?

No, but if you do accept work that week, you MUST complete the surveys so that we can rely on you in the future. There is a minimum of 5 surveys a week to fill out to be able to work on this project.

Do I get paid for the cost of the books I bought?

We cannot pay you for your review or the book, nor offer, request, or compensate you for creating, editing, or posting content on Amazon. Compensations included free and discounted products, refunds, and reimbursements. We can only pay you for the survey work.

How long is the survey?

The survey is short, and takes only a few minutes to fill in.